Letter to a Pal- Week 2

Hello new friends!

I was so happy to hear from you two! Our whole class was nervous and excited to hear what you guys had to say. It’s super cool that we have each other on Snapchat and Instagram now too 🙂

I’m not sure if you have seen the title of my recent blog post, but our class watched a movie called Die Welle, or The Wave in English. The movie was in German! I was thinking a lot about you guys, and wondering if you have heard of or watched the movie. If you have seen it- let me know! I would love to talk about it with you, and hear your opinions. I won’t give away the ending in case you want to watch it, but I loved the movie. It was so different, and unlike anything I have ever watched. Since the movie was in German, we watched it with English subtitles. At first, it was hard to follow the subtitles. They moved very fast on and off the screen, which I’m not used to.

This made me think of another question for you- do you guys ever need to deal with subtitles very often? When I visited Cuba on a vacation, some of the T.V shows were in English, and had Spanish subtitles. In Germany, do you watch English shows with German subtitles? Or do you just watch them in English? I’m interested to know!

Hopefully this makes sense, these questions have been on my mind a lot! Let me know about Die Welle too.


2 thoughts on “Letter to a Pal- Week 2

  1. This is very cool to read, Bella! Your post reads like you’re talking to old friends, which was the goal of this penal project. I think about German school students, too, when I watch Die Welle. I wonder how they listen to American pop songs or wear American logos on their clothes. Remember the teacher wore a Ramones tshirt at the start? It’s a pretty popular styled shirt.
    I’ll be curious to hear if they watch lots of English tv or media. My guess would be yes, they do, so getting better with English through writing to a Canadian friend should be helpful!!

  2. Heii Bella!

    Nathalie and I were so excited to hear something new from you, too!

    Not everyone in our class watched the movie “Die Welle” but everybody heard of it, so we watched it after your posts about “The Wave”. Nathalie and I talked a lot about the movie because it was very interesting for us. It is kind of frightening and shocking that the experiment got out of hand so fast. It was unlike anything we have ever watched too.
    We thought it must be very difficult and different for you to watch a movie in German with English subtitles when you don’t learn the language. In Germany there are not very much TV shows in English. Most of the time there is a German synchronization, so you can hear a German voice not the English one. If you know what we mean…. It is very complicated to explain this.
    And sometimes I (Tanja) watch movies in English because I think some movies sound better in English than in German.
    We have a question for you, too. Was “Die Welle” or “The Wave” your first movie you saw in German with English subtitles? What did you discuss in class about the movie?

    Have a nice day!

    Nathalie and Tanja!

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